The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Update on EHV-1 Virus

Update on EHV-1 at Palm Beach International Equestrian Center:  A horse stabled in Grand Prix Village (outside of the equestrian center) has tested negative for the nasal swab, but positive to the blood test.  That horse showed no neurological symptoms.  The previous biosecurity enacted on Feb. 22 is still in place and will remain until further notice.  The farm in Grand Prix Village is under quarantine.  The State of Florida...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March 16th Second Beach Ride!

Saturday March 16th from 9:00-3:00 PM will be the second beach ride at Historic Virginia Key Beach in Miami with the South Florida Trail Riders of Miami-Dade County.  You must be a current member and must pre-register.  There is limited capacity.  This is a very special ride and you can swim with your horse!  Contact Augie (305-582-1557) or Andrea (305-216-2461) for more informati...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

South Florida Reining News

Josiane Gauthier of Lucama, North Carolina  won the Florida Classic Non-Pro Derby defending her 2012 title on Miss Whizarima.  They scored a 218.5 to win and earned over $5,000.  Miss Whizarima is owned by Josiane's father Francois Gauthi...

Monday, February 25, 2013

S FL Trail Riders 35th Anniversary Campout

The South Florida Trail Riders of Miami-Dade County will celebrate their 35th birthday this year at the Picayune Strand State Forest on March 8-10.  The address of the event is 2121 52nd Ave SE in Naples, FL.  Both current and former members from all over the state of Florida will be attending this reunion, which has become a tradition every five years.  You don't have to be a member to participate; however, the registration deadline...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

15 year old Victoria Colvin victorious in Hunter Spectacular!

Riding Ovation, 15 year old Victoria Colvin won her second consecutive Peter Wetherill Palm Beach Hunter Spectacular Title yesterday.  Colvin is from Loxahatchee, FL.  Lisa Boyd riding Brunello placed second and Louise Serio riding Castle Rock placed thi...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Horse tests positive for equine herpes at HITS

A horse competing at the HITS show in Ocala, Florida has tested positive for the neurological form of the equine herpes virus (EHV-1).  The horse was taken to nearby University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville for further study.  HITS officials have quarantined the tent on the show grounds where the horse was housed.  To everyone's surprise, classes are continuing as usual; however, bio-security has incre...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Attention first time horse owners!

I'm proud to promote this event for my friend and former SFSPCA volunteer coordinator Shelley Patterson.  Shelley was the volunteer coordinator with the SFSPCA for over 8 years, but decided after adopting one of their horses Luna, it was time to venture out on her own.  Please mark your calendars for this workshop, as Shelley is a wealth of information for new horse owners!  The workshop is Saturday, March 2 from 9:30-5:00 PM and...

Horse Country To Hold Celebration!

Members of the horse community in "Horse Country" will be hosting "A Classic Country Evening & Benefit for Horse Country" this Saturday, February 23 at 7 PM.  The event, which will offer Midwestern food and musical performances will be held at the German American Club at 11919 Southwest 56 St in Miami.  This celebration will help raise awareness of the equestrian neighborhood and let everyone know that the area is "alive and well."...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The South Florida Horse Show Association presents:

Come have some fun with your horse, or just as a audience member this Saturday for the Valentine's Schooling Show at Tropical Park Equestrian Park!  The show begins at 9:00 ...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We bid Piet farewell!

What a great experience South Florida had these past four days with Piet Nibbelink from the Netherlands!  I do believe that he has left his mark here and will return in the future.  My private lesson today with Piet and my horse Eros was a continuum of both my observational experience in Maine in October and my participation here this weekend.  Just to have that extra two hours really paved the way to all things possible.  I...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Darn, you missed it!

Oh no, you are too late!  Piet's 3 day Deepening Your Connection To Horses clinic has ended.  What a wonderful weekend here in cool, sunny south Florida.  Great people, great weather, great horses and of course the knowledge of Piet!  I have a private lesson with him tomorrow, so the update will be about th...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The 3 day clinic has begun!

For those of us who didn't get enough of Piet last night, today was the first day of his 3 day Deepening Your Connection To Horses clinic.  He worked with a total of 9 horses today, each one so different and unique as the last, but everyone one of them very special!  You can still audit the two remaining days if you like.  Just contact Tyra at 305-992-2769 for further informati...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Finally today is the day!

South Florida Horse Connection is proud to present Deepening Your Connection To Horses featuring Dutch Clinician Piet Nibbelink.  This fundraising event will be held this evening from 7-10 PM at 24650 Sw 167 Ave in Miami.  The event will benefit the SFSPCA.  Tickets are $50 for adults and $30 for children.  Every attendee will be given a wristband, a raffle ticket and a horse magazine of their choice.  There are over 20...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Time To Gather Is Tomorrow!

Let's all gather around Piet tomorrow night and welcome him to Miami!  The Deepening Your Connection To Horses Event is Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM.  Just in case we still have some lingering showers around, we have enough tents for about 200 people - so don't let the risk of rain keep you from attending this fundraiser to benefit the SFSPCA!  The address to the event is 24650 Sw 167 Ave in Miami.  We will have spotters...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Oh my! Only 2 days to go

It seems like so long ago that I asked Piet to come to Miami to conduct a fundraiser for the SFSPCA and now it is only 2 days away!!  Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM at 24650 Sw 167 Ave in Miami is the Deepening Your Connection To Horses fundraising event .  There are an amazing amount of raffle items to choose from and there will be additional raffle tickets for sale to up your chances of winning.  There is that beautiful hand...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

See You in 3 Days!

Piet will be arriving into Miami tomorrow!  So the excitement builds for the Deepening Your Connection To Horses fundraiser!  Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM - 24650 Sw 167 Ave in Miami.  Rain or shine!  To benefit the SFSPCA.  Come ear...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Come learn how to be in harmony with your horse

Can you believe it?  There is only four (4) days left until the Deepening Your Connection To Horses event being held at the new SFSPCA ranch located at 24650 Sw 167 Ave in Miami.  Yes, thats right - Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM you will get to experience Clinician Piet Nibbelink from the Netherlands.  This is a fundraiser to help the horses that are abused, neglected and abandoned here in South Florida.  Tickets are $50...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Only 5 days left!

Only five (5) days until our fundraising event Deepening Your Connection To Horses featuring Dutch Clinician Piet Nibbelink!  Come enjoy an evening with fellow horse lovers Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM at 24650 Sw 167 Ave in Miami.  Please come a little early to allow time for parking and registration.  Tickets are $50 for adults and $30 for childr...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Need some questions answered?

With only six (6) days left until the Deepening Your Connection To Horses fundraiser, I am sure you all can think of many questions you may want to ask Clinician Piet Nibbelink.  Bring them all with you on Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM.  Make sure that you come a little early so that you will have time to park and register for the event.  There are so many exciting raffle items, the beautiful hand forged dog bed for silent auction,...

Friday, February 8, 2013

One week from tonight, under the lights!

Exactly one week from tonight, under the lights of the grand riding arena, all attendees will be able to experience a true natural horseman, get a chance to win some great raffle prizes, nibble on some locally grown produce and other food items and see the horses that the SFSPCA has available for adoption.  What a deal at $50 for adults and $30 for children!  The event is from 7-10 PM, but please come a little early to allow time for...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The event is right around the corner!

The excitement is building the closer we get to the event!  Everyday I get it another great item for our raffle.  We have a spectacular silent auction item.  We will have both organic and non-organic food items to snack on.  The best thing though is Piet!  Please join the horse community to welcome Piet into South Florida on Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM.  The fundraising event will be held at 24650 Sw 167 Ave in...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Great things come from great people

I know like it seems like I go on and on about our featured clinician Piet Nibbelink, but I must convey that great things come from great people.  Face it, he has a gift.  One that we all dream we had.  But the reality is that we can all be like him.  Its the approach we take.  Once we slow down, stop putting such time tables on ourselves and our horses, we become and our horses become more grounded.  Please come witness...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Only 10 days left!

With only ten days left until the Deepening Your Connection To Horses fundraiser, I am busy making last minute preparations.  We have over 20 wonderful raffle items, 1 spectacualr silent auction item, great organic food and let's not forget the main attraction of the evening Piet Nibbelink from the Netherlands!  What a great evening is in store for everyone Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM.  Come a little early to allow time for...

Monday, February 4, 2013

We all need a hug from time to time

Horses really do love to give hugs, but it may not be the type of hugs you are used to!  Let's see if Piet can get some hugs from the rescue horses he will be working with the night of the fundraiser.  Friday, February 15 from 7-10 PM is the event date and time.  It will be held at 24650 Sw 167 Ave in Miami.  Please come a little early to allow for ample time for parking and registration.  Plus you can wander the barns...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Let your horse follow you naturally

Piet does not believe that we have to always be the dominant leader of the horse.  He believes it is like a dance.  We need to pay more attention to what the horse is telling us, instead of us willing what we want onto our horses.  No chasing until join up.  No punishing halters or whips.  Just the dream of becoming one with your horse.  Come see his work with some of the rescue horses from the SFSPCA on Friday, February...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Our silent auction item has arrived!

This hand-forged dog bed was donated by sculptor and blacksmith Kenneth D Rowe.  It will be our only silent auction item of the evening of the fundraiser.  It has a value of $2,200.00.  The bidding will begin at $100 and will go up at $50 increments.  I know a lot of you will be interested in this item as it is one of a kind, so here is your sneak peak!  Remember, you can only bid on this item if you attend the fundraising...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Oh do we have a surprise in the making!

Tomorrow I will be picking up an item that will be used in a silent auction at the event.  This item is a one of a kind, hand crafted, beautiful art piece that anyone and everyone is going to want.  It is too special of a piece to raffle, so we are going to have a silent auction!  I will take pictures of the item tomorrow and post it so you all can see exactly what a truly awesome piece this really is!  Oh, I can't wait!!!  Remember,...