The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Let's not forget the donkey and the mule!

Sometimes we tend to overlook donkeys and mules and under appreciate their role in the equestrian world.  They have quite a history of their own and have played such a pivotal part in our world.  For anyone is South Florida that may own either breed, although the Florida Donkey and Mule Association is not based here, you should check out their website:  www.floridadonkeyandmuleassociation.c...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Words to live by...


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Upcoming Heritage Horse Show

May 11 & 12 the Plantation Equestrian Center located at 1451 NW 118 Ave in Plantation, FL will host the Heritage Horse Show.  There will be entries in Hunter, Jumper and Equitation.  There will be over $3000 in prize money awarded.  For more information, please contact or Lauren Manasseh at 954-448-5492.  This is a great park with affordable shows to att...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Ranch Sorting Jackpot

I will say upfront, that I am not familiar with this event or this venue.  My goal is to inform my followers of the events in South Florida and they can decide whether or not they want to participate.  This event is taking place Saturday, May 11 at 6 PM at the Rancho Gaspar located at 16480 NW 117 Ave in Hialeah, FL.  It is a Ranch Sorting Jackpot with two classes and prizes over $2000.  There is a phone number listed for them...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

May show update

Here is the information on the May show for the South Florida Horse Show Association.  They decided to cancel the June show, so this one will be the Championship on May 11th starting at 9:00 AM.  It will be at Tropical Park Equestrian Center located at 7900 SW 40 St.  It should be a great show, so even if you are not competing, you should go to watch all the exciteme...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

For The Love Of Horses

For all of us who have been touched by the pure essence of horses, whether is be their grace, their beauty, their power or just that smell that you can never put into other words, for the love of hors...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Team Roping coming in May

It may not be a South Florida event, but if you are into this it may be worth the trip.  Can't say I am a fan, but there are many out there, so check it out! ...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Barrel Racers take notice!

For all of you barrel racing enthusiasts, The Palm Beach County Mounted Posse has point shows the second Saturday of every month.  The next show will be May 11, 2013 at the Jim Brandon Equestrian Center located at 7500 Forest Hill Boulevard in West Palm Beach, Florida.  The event will be held from 6:30-11:00 PM.  For more information, please contact or 561-249-09...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

This is heartbreaking

Legendary Horses Latest Victim of Spain's Bust - ABC News...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wise words...


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

US Teams finish first and Second!

Although ten teams went into the Wellington Dressage Nations Cup, only one really came out on top and that was the two teams the US represented!  A total of 7 horse/rider combos earned scores of 70% or better and three of them were on Team US I.  Leading the way was Kimberly Herslow and Rosmarin (pictured).  Team Canada I came in third, Europe placed fourth and Spain placed fifth.  For more on the competition, please visit ...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sit Tall In The Saddle...

Loved this when I read it!  But I also like those rides where you just let things happen the way they are going to.  We forget that we don't always need to be in control.  It's good to hand over that control to our horse once in a while so they understand the trust is interchangeable.  Which ever way it is, enjoy the ri...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Words to live by if you are a true horse woman!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Beautiful Horses

I dedicate this to my rescue horse Eros, who is the most beautiful horse in the world.  Not only does he have outer grace and beauty, but his soul has a kindness and gentle manner like no other.  God truly blessed me when this horse walked into my life.  He found me and has changed my life forev...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Don't Forget....

Starting this Friday, April 12, the Miami International Agriculture Horse and Cattle Show!  The South Florida Trail Riders will be performing.  The South Florida SPCA will have a booth set up and their mascot minis...please stop by as they need volunteer and donations as they just have picked up 11 new horses in addition to the 50+ they already have in their ca...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Horse struck by car

Driver Charged in Woodstock Accident That Killed Horse | Valley News This is a tragic story that can happen any where.  Those of us that have horses in the Redlands know all too well that when most motorists see you riding along side of the road, they speed up, honk their horns or try anything else that would make the horse spook and the rider fall off.  For some sick reason, they think it's funny, not realizing the danger they put both...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

SFSPCA rescues 11 starving horses

This is only one of eleven starving horses that the SFSCA rescued yesterday from a property located near Krome Ave and SW 184 Street in the Redlands yesterday afternoon.  They are a mixture of Thoroughbreds, Quarter Horses and Paints.  One horse was in critical condition.  No food was found on the property of ELMA JAMES BURGESS and he was charged with eleven counts of animal cruelty.  Please send donations to the SFSPCA so that...

Monday, April 8, 2013

Safety first!

We all need to remember that horses are flight animals and we always need to be on our toes whether or not it is our own horse or we are caring for others.  I came across a sad but eye opening story that happened just the end of February at the International Polo Club in Wellington.  A groom was taking a horse from the fields when he passed too close to another horse who spooked and kicked him in the head.  He died within an hour...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Oklahoma woman arrested

On Oklahoma woman who claimed she ran an animal rescue organization has been arrested for animal abuse after authorities found between 20-30 dead horses on her property.  Another 64 horses were found by Sheriff's deputies suffering from neglect and malnutrition.  This isn't the first time CAROLYN VAUGHN has been sited for animal cruelty charges, so why wasn't a closer eye kept on her?  On her property authorities also found goats,...

Friday, April 5, 2013


This Therapeutic Riding Center has just received a Proclamation from the city of Pompano Beach, FL designating April 30th "Horses for Heroes" Day in recognition of their "Horses for Heroes" Veteran Rehabilitation program.  Hats off to this non-profit for their hard work to support the men and women who suffered while protecting our freedom!  Please donate if you can by visiting www.bitbybittherapy.o...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Equestrian Aid Foundation

This is not a South Florida event; however, this is a great organization that needs to be recognized.  The Equestrian Aid Foundation is based out of Wellington, Florida.  Their mission is "to assist anyone in the equestrian world suffering from life threatening illness, catastrophic accidents or injuries by providing direct financial support for their medical or other basic needs."  Please think about becoming a member so that this...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

MASERATI proudly presents:

Wednesday, April 24 - Friday, April 26th Maserati will be hosting their 7th Miami Beach Polo Event on South Beach between 21st and 22nd Streets behind the Setai Hotel.  It all begins Wednesday at 7:00 PM with a match and cocktail hour.  This is the 7th year for the event and it brings renowned players, celebrities and people from all around the world.  So if you want to go hang out on S Beach, take in all of the beautiful horses...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Don't forget the "Spring into show time" Horse Show!

Don't forget that this weekend is the "Spring into show time" horse show presented by the South Florida Horse Show Association.  It will be held at the Tropical Park Equestrian Center.  Friday evening at 7 PM will be a clinic "Performing Showmanship Patterns" by Marvin Carse.  Saturday the horse show begins at 9 AM.  For more information, please visit the website:  www.southfloridahorseshow.c...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Autism Ride

Please support this ride as it is for a great cause and will benefit Villa Lyan hippo-therapy here in Miami, FL.  The ride is Saturday, April 6th with registration at 9 AM and ride beginning at 10 AM.  For more information please contact 305-479-66...