The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Another slaughter farm raided....

Hundreds of sick animals found at South Dade slaughter farm - Miami-Dade -

Friday, June 28, 2013

Helping the OTT racehorses! Here is another great local rescue giving second chances to the OTT race horses here in S Florida.  Our local Triple Crown Feed sales rep Teri Lombardo collects the proof of purchase coupons off of bags of the above feed and then donates them to this rescue.  For every coupon they turn in, the get .25 off a new bag.  It may not seem like a lot, but every penny counts when you are running a rescue!  If you, or...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Little girls and their horses...

Meet Charlie, the rescue horse.  He is part Arab, part Quarter Horse.  He is currently being used in the summer program at Top Notch Stables for the Sir Walsh Horsemanship Program.  As you can clearly see, Charlie love attention.  And boy is he getting a lot of love and attention from these two little girls!  Wouldn't it be great to have your son or daughter be able to experience these types of things this summer?  There...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Just another example of how perceptive horses are....

PTSD Stricken Soldiers in Yelm Say Horses Save Lives...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Meet Wilbur

I know it is unusual to see a pig on my posts, but from time to time, South Florida Horse Connection helps individuals locally re-home their pets.  So today, we feature Wilbur the miniature pot belly pig.  Wilbur was raised by his Mom since he was a baby and he is now just a little over a year old.  He is up-to-date on all of his shots.  Even though he is classified as a "miniature" he still weighs about 200 pounds but will...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Something we can all relate to....

Living in South Florida, not just in the summer, all of us riders experience this!  It's not so bad until you happen to have a function to go to and are trying to wear that cute little dress and it exposes your farmer's tan!  Or how about when you go to wear your first shorts of the season and they do a double take looking from your legs to your arms and see the obvious inconsistancy?  Oh what we do for the love of our hors...

Saturday, June 22, 2013

If only this was an isolated case...

3 Arrests At Alleged Illegal Slaughter Farm Near Homestead « CBS Miami...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Once in a lifetime...

Every time I look at this horse, he makes me smile.  I have owned him since he was a yearling and have watched him grow into a fine young horse.  I'm not saying he is perfect..there are times when he decides to test my patience like all 4 year olds, but I wouldn't trade him for the world!  This horse doesn't have a mean bone in his body and even when he does something naughty it's hard to stay mad at him for too long because he...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

International Helmet Awareness Day

I know plenty of people who refuse to ride wearing a helmet.  I don't know if it is a vanity thing, or they are just plain ignorant to the fact that something bad can happen at a blink of an eye and change your whole life!  Back in 1997 I had a terrible bike accident and the ONLY thing that saved my life was my helmet - even though it cracked!  Having a young horse, I am very aware of the dangers that can arise at any given moment...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Palm Beach Horse Park allowed to proceed with plans

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To the moon!

Two of my most favorite things to do are to eat and be around horses.  This is your chance too this weekend at the Jump The Moon Horse Competition & Food Truck Derby at Plantation Equestrian Center in Volunteer Park.  The event will begin Friday at 6 PM and have all kinds of fun stuff to do and see, not to mention 20+ food trucks to sample from!  For more information, please visit the website:    WWW.THEFOODTRUCKCO...

Monday, June 17, 2013

One week down, ten more to go!

Here is program developer Lynn Zuccaro with one of her star participants from the Sir Walsh Horsemanship program's first week of instruction.  Week one was a great success and if your child is still looking for something to combat his/her boredom with the summer time blues, why not contact Lynn for a spot in her summer program?  The Monday-Friday program offers many fun filled things, but also instructional equine safety as well.  This...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Do you want to horse surf?

I've never heard of horse surfing or horse skiing and I'm not sure how it works, but there is an operation out of Bradenton, FL that will let you ride, swim, surf and ski all with horses!  So if you would like to try it out, go to their website for more information:  WWW.BEACHHORSES....

Friday, June 14, 2013

Need a last minute gift for Dad?

Do you happen to have an extra $8000 lying around, or that is burning a hole in your pocket?  If so, and you want a unique gift for Dad this Father's Day, then the full size horse lamp is the gift for you!  Gee, if I had an extra $8000 hanging around, I think I would by a trailer.  But Mother's Day passed and I'm not sure my hubby would be into this particular equine art piece....

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Great hoof care tips!

Ten Horse Hoof Care Tips Summer is the time of year that seems to bring out the worst in our horses hooves.  This article gives some great tips on keeping your equine partner's feet sound and healthy.  My horse happens to be barefoot and although I deal with cracks from time to time, I thank God that he has healthy feet living here in South Florid...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Slaughtered horse found in Palm Beach County

Palm Beach County equestrian community on high alert ...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thankfully, this had a happy ending....

Horses safe after running loose on Miller Drive – 7Online WSVN-TV | All About Horses...

Monday, June 10, 2013

S FL could be getting a new horse park!

On Tuesday, June 11th the Wellington Village Council will be meeting to discuss the proposal to build the Palm Beach Horse Park on a 67 acre piece of land located on the corner of Stribling Road and State Road 7.  The horse park will feature facilities for the American Quarter Horse, as well as additional breeds.  Because Wellington has always put emphasis on dressage, hunter/jumper and polo, this new park will be able to feature other...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Even the animals suffer...

WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: News - Top Stories - Horses trapped because of severe flooding...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

For the equine survivors of the Oklahoma Tornados

On Sunday, June 16th in Jupiter, FL a relief clinic will be held for the Oklahoma Equine Survivors by Bob Faath.  They are accepting both riders and auditors. 100% of the proceeds will be given to the equine survivors of the recent tornados. You are asked to bring or mail your contribution in to Bob at 17166 123rd Terrace Jupiter, FL 33478.  If you need any further information, please contact Tara Jacobs directly at 772-260-5814.  Remember...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hurricane Season is here!

Prepare Horses, Livestock, and Pets for Hurricane Season...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A dynamic duo!

Pictured here is Instructor Lynn Zuccaro with her favorite equine friend Walsh of Sir Walsh Horsemanship.  This program begins running next Monday, June 10th and will be operating all summer long.  Sir Walsh Horsemanship will be held at Top Notch Stables located at 24100 SW 122 Ave in Homestead, FL.  Don't let your child miss out on this very fun, but educational horsemanship program that is offered no where else here in S Florida!...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Good old Craigslist....

It's ads like this that infuriate me...and we see too many of them up on craigslist.  Of course this person would like us to believe (and it could be true) that someone else dumped the horse onto them.  Then why wasn't the authorities called in to report the people for abandonment and neglect?  If we want to eliminate this problem, we need to do what Spain does and require all horses to be microchipped as a formal government controlled...