The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I can't believe what I am reading...

Navajo Nation Supports NM Horse Slaughterhouse - ABC News For the Navajo nation to support this, there must be some big money coming their way from either the slaughterhouse itself, or the federal government.  They wouldn't just all of a sudden change their minds unless the almighty dollar was in play here folks.  Don't buy the rhetoric that it's an environmental thing, because they sure don't care about that either.....

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Girls just want to have fun...

You might be saying to yourself, "Why, isn't that cute?  Three little girls having a balloon race."  But you would be wrong...yes, the three little girls are cute, but they are learning the value of soft legs (press too hard and the balloon will pop)-squeeze too hard, and you will have an unhappy horse!  These are just some of the fun, but educational lessons the children that attend the Sir Walsh Horsemanship Program learn.  There...

Monday, July 29, 2013

This is opening up a can of worms....

Jurors consider Texas horse cloning lawsuit I'm not sure how this is going to play out in the end, but I personally don't agree with cloning.  I own a rescued Quarter Horse.  He is probably from some pretty good stock given the fact that he has the genetic version of "tying up".  If breeders haven't figured out yet, that this gene gets passed down onto the offspring, what other mutations could cloning bring about?  Just food...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bees kill horses in Texas

Thousands of bees attack Texas couple, kill horses | | Tucson, Arizona...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Chincoteague Pony swim...

Chincoteague pony swim marked by thunder, lightning As a young girl, I read the book about Misty the Chincoteague pony.  I had the Breyer horse figure too.  It was always a dream of mine to be able to visit the island where Misty and Stormy came from.  I was fortunate enough to be able to go as an adult and walked the park amongst the wild ponies.  It was quite an experience, especially being able to approach and touch a few...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A true equine war horse and hero.... It really leaves a warm spot in my heart to think that this little mare will be forever memorialized in Virginia as the true hero that she was.  Although there were many "war horses" in many wars, she showed the bravery and resilience that many people, let alone a prey animal like a horse would.  My father fought...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Something South Florida needs! I know that other counties in our state have more rural areas to be able to accommodate a project like this, but there are still plenty of areas in the Redlands that could facilitate a course similar to this.  The tricky part would be the water portion of the course, but I'm sure a good engineer could figure that out.  What do you say South Florida, sound good?  I say find a location, build it and they will...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Either way, this is disgusting....

Fears that pet ponies and donkeys traded for horsemeat in Britain unfounded, study finds...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Another happy camper!

Here is another satisfied customer (I mean camper) of the Sir Walsh Horsemanship Summer Program.  Look how cute her and Magic look going over the bridge to greener pastures!  And riding bareback-woo hoo!  Director Lynn Zucarro has created a Facebook page under the name Sir Walsh Horsemanship, so go there and like it and keep up with all that is new and exciting.  There are only a couple of weeks left of camp, so make sure you...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Horse Auction in S FL?????

I must say that I was taken completely by surprise when I saw this ad for 4 former Gulfstream Race Horses for auction.  I guess though given the reputation of "throw away" horses the race tracks have all over the country, I shouldn't be.  This local auction house, Jay Sugarman should be ashamed of themselves.  Just look at the pictures of these horses they posted:  they are under weight and living in less than desirable conditions...

Friday, July 19, 2013

Awards Banquet

Just a reminder that the South Florida Horse Show Association will be holding their annual year-end Awards Banquet Friday, July 26th from 7-11 PM  This year the event will be held at the 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant.  For more information, please visit their website at www.southfloridahorseshow.c...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Looking for ideas....

South Florida Horse Connection is looking to add lectures, clinics and other events to our fall calendar, so we are looking to our followers for ideas!  What type of things would you like to learn?  Maybe a lecture from a local vet about colic?  Maybe a clinic for bomb proofing a horse?  How about a clinic on equine nutrition? We are open to all suggestions and can't wait to hear some of the ones you may have. If you like, you...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Race track vs race track....

Horsemen, Horseplayers Suffer in South Florida Battle | Paulick Report – Thoroughbred Horse Racing News...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The numbers are staggering...

This week alone, the South Florida SPCA Miami's horse rescue, has rescued 13 horses.  Currently, the SFSPCA has just under 80 horses in their care.  The summer months seem to spike the number of rescues, but 13 in one week alone is staggering.  As you can clearly see in the photo, this horse is in dire need of nutrition.  In South Florida, feed prices are double if not triple what the rest of the country pays for feed.  This...

Monday, July 15, 2013

There's Magic in the air....

Meet the incredible, energetic pony Magic.  She has become the newest equine member of the Sir Walsh Horsemanship Program at Top Notch Stables.  She is on loan from her owner, trainer Julie Grennan.  Magic is a wonderful teacher to all beginning equestrians.  Although she is in her early 20's, you would never know it as she has the pep that any young pony possess!  Your son or daughter will just fall in love with this precious...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ribbons for everyone!

Here are the kids that participated in this week of Sir Walsh Horsemanship Summer Camp at Top Notch Stables.  Today was the horse show that began in the ring with plenty of sunshine, but ended up in the covered round pen with lots of rain!  This group didn't seem to care though, because they are all smiles as they proudly display their ribbon for family and friends.  The remaining weeks of this program are filling up fast, so don't...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

More horses neglected rescued in Miami

Racing thoroughbred among starving horses found at Miami Gardens ranch - Miami-Dade -

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cleaning stalls....

I don't know about you, but I never stay clean while I muck out a stall.  I have to say though, the picture I took of this little girl this morning learning to clean stalls made me chuckle...she is wearing a pink skirt and sneakers.  Most people don't wear good clothes when they muck, for obvious reasons.  But this little girl didn't have a care in the world and stayed clean throughout the process!  She is just one of the participants...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cuteness all around!

Just look at how much fun these kids are having at the Sir Walsh Horsemanship Program!  The summer program is being held every week until the end of August at Top Notch Stables.  Seen here are Sir Walsh on the left and Charlie on the right.  Instructor/Program Director Lynn Zucarro is in the middle.  Spots are filling up quickly, so call Lynn today at 305-522-2244 to reserve a spot for your chi...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Please be safe this 4th of July.  If you have pets, please remember that the loud noises can bring them anxiety.  Aromatherapy is calming.  Keep them in a room that is air conditioned and play soft music to calm their nerves.  Make sure they have plenty of water.  For the larger animals, make sure they have shelter from falling debris.  Turn on stall fans to help drown out the loud noises.  Once you know your...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's unbelievable that they got off this easy....

Father, Son Accused Of Running Slaughter Farm Released From Jail « CBS Miami...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sir Walsh Horsemanship promotes sportmanship!

This participant of Sir Walsh Horsemanship is proudly showing off the ribbons she won competing in the Friday Horse Show.  Every Friday of every week, the program participants get to show off their newly learned riding skills to compete for ribbons and other prizes.  This is just one of the things that this wonderful summer program has to offer.  Please contact Founder and Instructor Lynn Zuccaro today to reserve your child's spot...