The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The hidden dangers in hay....

This is an example of what foxtail looks like.  This actually came out of one of my bales of Timothy hay. This is an example of what foxtail can do to a horses mouth. I all the years I have been buying Timothy hay, I have never experienced having loads of foxtail mixed in until this year.  In fact, I didn't even know what it was!  I have included...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tragic ending to such a talented soul....

Police: Prominent L.I. Equestrian Killed By Gunshot Through Window « CBS New York I'm sure the person responsible for this senseless crime will be found soon and be brought to justice, but with all similar crimes, it doesn't bring back the person that was lost to their loved ones and in this case to so many in the equestrian world.  Ross was a talented man that had so much talent to pass on for generations to come.  The equestrian world...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Horse Ownership Workshop....

Here is another event to mark your calendars for:  Shelley Patterson is presenting her Workshop:  Introduction to horses and horse ownership on Saturday, October 5th from 9:20-5:30 PM.  The workshop will be held at 14715 Stirling Road in Southwest Ranches, FL.  This is a very informative workshop if you are thinking of getting a horse and are not sure what it really entails.  For registration information, please contact...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

An Equestrian Flea Market coming soon!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 27th from 10-3 PM!  Sunshine Meadows Equestrian Village is hosting an Equestrian Flea Market.  They are located at 16668 Winner's Circle Drive in Delray, FL.  The event will have everything horse and barn related, new and used items and tons of vendors.  Don't miss this event as there should be some great deals to be found!  For more information, please visit their website: &nbs...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Best Horse Washers in S FL!

As you can clearly see, this handsome little paint gelding needs some good bathing to make his colors pop and his white shine.  This is his before picture... Now you can see just how handsome this little guy really is!  He is definitely show ready now!                                                    ...

Monday, September 23, 2013

The perils of hand feeding horses.....

S. FL Doctor Uses New Technology To “Re-Grow” Man’s Finger « CBS Miami We all understand the dangers of hand feeding horses.  There is always that possibility of getting bit, or in this jockey's case, loosing a finger when doing so.  Having worked around rescue horses for a while now, we adapted a rule of only bucket feeding treats as not to create an aggressive horse, or not to perpetuate an already existing condition.  Lesson...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Money Horse

How Much Do You Have To Pay To Play? | The Chronicle of the Horse I believe I read this article with my mouth gaping open.  I was appalled at the casual responses by the owners of these horses that worked so hard for THEM only to be sold because they knew they could get a LOT of money for them.  I'm sorry, but when I rescued my horse my intention was not to train the hell out of him and then turn around with stars in my eyes to sell...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Broward Feed Stores...

Davie Feed Store 5150 S Flamingo Road Southwest Ranches, FL Finish Line Feed Store 145 SW 3rd Ave Dania Beach, FL Grif's Western 6211 Orange Dr Davie, FL Here are some of the local feed stores in Broward County.  Being that I am from Miami, I probably am missing some, so please feel free to message me so I can add more!...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Support Your Local Feed Stores!

OK Feed Store 22801 SW 177 Ave Miami, FL Robbie's Feed 22390 SW 177 Ave Miami, FL Silver Palm Feed andConsignment 15585 SW 232 St Miami, FL Sunset Country and Western Wear 16300 SW 296 St Miami, FL Sunset Feed and Supply 7650 SW 117 Ave Miami, FL These are the Feed Stores that supply Miami-Dade County.  These are local, small businesses that work very hard to serve their community.  Most of them carry supplies for more than...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Economic Impact Study....

Florida Horsemen Collaborating on Economic Impact Study They really need to add on to this study to include the economic impact on rescues in the area when the "prize" race horses don't work out and they are found abandoned and neglected here in South Florid...

Friday, September 13, 2013

New Season, First Challenge....

The Acreage Horseman's Association is proud to present their 2013-2014 Show Season Barrel Series beginning Sunday, September 22, 2013.  The series will run ten months and will be held on the first Sunday of every month.  Six out of ten show will qualify you for the awards!  Please visit their website: for more informatio...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We will never forget...

Although 12 years have passed, to me this still seems like it happened yesterday.  I was fortunate not to have lost any loved ones and I pray every day for the lives that were lost on that fateful day.  This commercial still makes me cry as the majestic horses bow to one of the greatest cities on earth to their loss.  Life changed after that day, never to be the same.  I personally wish I could say that I feel safer, but for the past 5 years this great country's decline is scary.  May we all today take a moment of silence...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The price of going big....–-what-does-it-take-compete-florida-fei-level-one-season I have not competed in any show since I was a teenager and then it was only at a local level.  I can't imagine having to come up with the funds to be able to do this!  I know every sport is expensive, including the training, but then you factor in the care and feeding of the horse and boy does that add u...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Oh how I love happy endings!

Horse missing in the Chugach Mountains found - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Alaska News...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

What a wonderful young lady!

10-year-old organizes fundraiser for horse rescue group - CBS Atlanta News This is a very special young lady indeed.  I don't know of too many 10 year olds that would think of holding a fundraiser to help save horses, so to read this article about this girl is awe inspiring!  Maybe there is a hope for the future after al...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Get Ready For Show Season!

The South Florida Horse Show Association has posted their Show Dates for the 2013-2014 Show season!  It's time to get the finishing touches on your horses and your riding!  If you happen to need your horse looking in tip top shape, I can recommend a great person to get your horse(s) show ready with body clipping and bathing.  Contact Lynn Zuccaro at 305-522-2244.  She is the absolute bes...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Another South Florida problem for horses...

Scratches Scratches is something we see a lot here in the South Florida area, especially this time of the year.  Our horses are turned out about 12 hours a day and even though they get groomed on a day to day basis, they still end up with scratches from the wet.  How many of you combat this proble...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Using a whip....

Whip Use in Elite, Non-Elite Show Jumpers Good Lord, what in the world are we teaching our young riders?  It is pretty sad that the use of spurs is monitored but the use of a whip is not.  I understand that both are considered aides; however, it seems to me that at the amateur level whips are being used more as a crutc...

Monday, September 2, 2013

Consignments are an Equestrian's best friend!

Did you know that both Broward and WPB counties have several consignment shops for your to save $$ on your next tack or clothing purchase?  Here are some that I have found:  On Course Consignment located at 12773 W Forest Hill Boulevard #108 in Wellington, FL; Everything But The Horse 3125 Fortune Way #4 Wellington, FL; Horsing Around 10054 Griffin Road in Cooper City, FL.  Wouldn't it be nice if Miami had a consignment shop too?...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Another barn fire with loss of equine life in RI

Lightning strikes barn kills 2 horses - News, Weather and Classifieds for Southern New England We always think of Florida as the lightening capital of the world, but these tragedies happen worldwide.  Early this morning a 6 year old horse and a 17 year old horse lost their lives to a barn fire in RI after a lightening strike. &nbs...