The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Free Training Session!

I am fostering a South Florida SPCA rescue this month and because he is young and very green, I thought this would be a great opportunity for a little training session. Tango is a great horse, who is very intelligent and willing.  Please don't miss out on this special opportunity to be a part of helping Tango be able to find his forever hom...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's That Time of The Year!

It's that time of year, when you will find great tack & barn sales.  Last weekend I attended one in Delray, Fl at the Sunshine Meadows Equestrian Center.  This particular tack sale has been around for many years and I've heard has some great deals.  Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment will not be able to attend this sale, but encourage everyone to go support your local community and enjoy a great pancake breakfast while you...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Upcoming events in S FL

Here a just a couple of the upcoming events in South Florida! Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment will be attending the SFTR Yard and Tack Sale this Saturday, so make sure you come out and check out all the goodie...

Friday, October 10, 2014

An Illegal Slaughter Farm You Ask?

These are the latest rescues that the South Florida SPCA saved from a most deplorable fate.  Although South Florida is known for it's great weather and beautiful beaches, we are also known for the ugly:  we have some of the most illegal slaughter farms in the country.  The majority of them are run by immigrants from other countries.  There are sections of Miami-Dade county that are so remote and the agricultural patrols are...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Event Coming Up!

Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment will be attending the South Florida Trail Riders Yard and Tack Sale on Saturday, October 18th!  The sale will be held off of Krome Ave at Robbie's Feed and Supply Store located at 22390 SW 177 Ave beginning at 8:00 AM.  So if you haven't had the chance to make it into the store, please make sure to stop by our tent to check out some of the merchandise we will be selli...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Want a new venue to showcase your Equestrian Art?

Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment is looking for local Equine Artists that paint, sketch, sculpt, or just plain create some great art to showcase in my store!  My dream has always been to be able to bring the local equine art community together in my store and here is your opportunity.  If you make a product that caters to any equid, I would like to hear from you as well.  Please email:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Coming soon….

Attention all local South Florida Equestrian Artisans:  Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment Store is wanting you to showcase your art in their consignment store! They already carry Cowgirl Accessories by Cristy Torres, reflective tack by Reins Of The Night and artwork by Karl Rosenberg, so why not add your style into the mix?  In addition to this, South Florida Horse Connection is working on two exciting events.  One will take...

Friday, September 12, 2014

219 violations of Horse Protection Act found at walking horse show

The practice of soaring is deplorable and the fact that these people are allowed to even bring these poor horses to "shows" is sickening.  When will they put a stop to this? 219 violations of Horse Protection Act found at walking horse show ...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Having a heart….

A heart for horses - Princeton Daily Clarion: Pdclarion ...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Happy Ending after much suffering

On August 3 in Miami the SFSPCA picked up this emaciated Thoroughbred mare along with 2 others that were living in squalor.  As you can see by the picture below, that was their make-shift home, the ceiling not even tall enough for them to raise their heads.  When the original breeder of this mare, (who goes by the name Silver and Smoke) Denzel Brendemuehl found out that the SFSPCA had rescued this horse, Denzel contact the organization...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Come on out to Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment today!

Boy have we got in a ton of new stuff into the store!  Western, English and Dressage…so come on by and check out our inventory tod...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Beware of the Blister Beetle in your Alfalfa Hay

This little guy may not look like much, but apparently he packs a nasty punch!  Just recently someone reported finding remnants of this tiny creature in some alfalfa hay they just purchased in Brevard County, FL.  This beetle is found only in Alfalfa or Alfalfa mixture of hays.  I do not personally feed any hay with alfalfa in it, although each hay has its own set of issues from time to time so being diligent no matter what type...

Monday, June 9, 2014

Just when you think you have heard it all….

This article is going to make your blood boil for sure.  I'm not sure what kind of sick, cruel person would do such a horrendous thing, but apparently this just occurred in the Ocala area of Florida which is our mecca of horses.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer shows winding down….

With the summer show season winding down, this weekend will be the last show for Heritage Horse Show at Plantation Equestrian Center located at 1451 NW 118th Ave in Plantation, FL.  The show begins on Saturday, May 31st and ends Sunday, June 1st.  This is their Finals and Challenge Show so if you need the rules or more information about the show, please go to their website: or call Lauren @ 954-448...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

It's not the horse's fault...

Study: Human Interaction Shapes Horses' Negative Emotions How many times have you heard that it's not a horse problem, but a people problem?  This article pretty much sums that analogy u...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Calling all Hunter/Jumpers!

South Florida Hunter and Jumper Association presents a June 13th show in their summer series.  This show will be held in Wellington, Fl and for more information, please contact Hali Miller at (954) 591-9096 or you can email her at

Friday, May 16, 2014

Need a job this summer?

Summer Jobs with Horses Do you happen to have a High School/College student that may be looking for a little work this summer and loves horses?  This is a good article explaining what to do if you or someone you know may be looking to help out around a barn during summer camps.  If it's volunteer opportunities you are looking for, you can always contact the SFSPCA ( to inquire about volunteering there.  The age...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Beware of Craigslist Ads for free animals!

Yesterday I was browsing through Craigslist in their "free" section looking for scrap wood for a project, when I came along this ad.  First off it's very disturbing to me that anyone would put an ad for a free horse on this venue.  Secondly, this particular horse looked very familiar to me. Having been a volunteer with the SFSPCA for many years, I saw numerous horses come and go out of the facility.  Some touched your heart in...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Western Dressage anyone?

Saturday May 31 at Polo West Arena at 2470 Greenview Cove in Wellington, Polo West is hosting a Western Dressage/Reining competition beginning at 6 PM.  Come on out and be a part of this ground breaking event!  For more information, please contact Tom Dirocco at (561) 371-499...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Coming to a barn near you this summer!

Still not sure what your child is going to be doing this summer?  Well, it's right around the corner and the last thing you want is a bored child at home driving you crazy!  How about getting your child involved in horsemanship?  It's a proven fact that learning to care and ride horses boosts self image in children and also boosts their confidence.  Sir Walsh Horsemanship is running their summer program again this year...

Friday, May 9, 2014

Need a great gift for Mother's Day?

Are you still looking for a Mother's Day gift for your Mom?  Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment has so many great things to pick from.  Here is one example:  Express jeans $10, Ralph Lauren Polo shirt $5, bling belt $5, handmade necklace by a local artist $15, and a reflective hat $25 - the whole outfit is only $60!  Buy the whole thing, or just one piece.  We have great inexpensive gift ideas for the horse lover in...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Visitors on horseback!

Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment Store got an unexpected visit from the head of the South Florida SPCA herself Laurie Waggoner today and one of her volunteers.  They were trail riding in the neighborhood and stopped by to check out the goods.  The horses that Laurie and her friend are on  SFSPCA rescue horses that are currently available for adoption.  Please contact Laurie @ for more information....

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Lots to choose from this weekend!

Here are two shows that will be going on this weekend!  Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment will be attending and setting up a tent at the Heritage Horse Show located at Plantation Equestrian Center 1451 NW 118th Avenue Plantation, FL.  Come out and say hello.  Palm Beach Co Mounted Posse has a full weekend of event beginning May 3, 2014-Dressage Show-8:30 am, Jumper Show-4:45 pm and May 4, 2014-Pleasure Show-9:00...

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Give Me Shelter!

Looking to build something similar to this type of shelter in our large pasture.  Would like some advise on the best materials to use for it as well.  If there happens to be anyone in the Miami area that would like to volunteer their services, just let me kn...

Friday, April 25, 2014

We can never have enough….

Not sure that this really needs any more said about it!  Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment Shop can assist you with all your equestrian needs and the best thing about it?  You won't have to pay full price!  So why not trot on over today and check out whats ho...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It's Spring Time and You Know What That Means?

Spring time brings warmer weather, rain showers and new flowers.  Spring time can also mean its time for a little spring cleaning around the barn/tack room!  Do you have too much clutter?  Would you like to be able to make some space, but just don't know what to do with your old "stuff"?  Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment can help you out with that as we are currently accepting new consignment tack, clothing and accessories....

Monday, April 21, 2014

We are open for business!

Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment is now open for business 6 days a week!  Monday-Saturday from 3-7 PM we will be open.  If you need to make an appointment for consigning your equestrian goods, or may need a different time frame, please call Tyra 305-992-2769 to set up a convenient time.  Come out to visit the store as we are stocked full of goodies.  Check us out on our Facebook page:  We...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Only 3 days left until the Grand Opening!

With only 3 days left until the Grand Opening, I am busy with last minute details to make everything as perfect as it can be.  At Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment, we will not only carry all of your equestrian needs (and wants), but will also feature some local artisans too!  If you happen to have a craft that you think would fit nicely into our store, please contact Tyra @ 305-992-2769 so we can add you to the already growing list...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

What are your barn practices?

Recycling Tips for Horse Farms | Stable Management What type of barn manager are you?  How many horses do you keep per acre?  Are you interested in becoming more resourceful with waste and recycled items on your property?  Here is a good article about becoming more "green" when it comes to your barn and pasture by Stable Managemen...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hot To Trot!

At Hot To Trot Equestrian Consignment Shop, we will not only carry riding gear, but barn wear too.  Here is just an example of some of the item we currently have in stock…Hollister women's long sleeve shirt, Ralph Lauren Polo shirts, men's Levi's shirts and Men's Levi's jeans.  Don't forget to join us for our Grand Opening on Friday, April 18th at the Little Yellow Barn located at 22200 SW 152 Ave beginning at 3 PM.  Have items...