The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Time For A Little Fun!

Today let's have a little fun and help find a "show name" for Eros.  His name in the Greek language means God Of Love, so I thought something along those lines would be fitting.  I don't take this stuff too seriously so I'm looking for a cute name that fits his personality.  This is what I have so far: Love Machine Simply Irresistible Crazy Little Thing Called Love I'd love to hear what you can come up with, so send me an email...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

March 1st Horse Show

Don't forget this Saturday, March 1st there will be another Horse Show at Tropical Park Equestrian Center hosted by South Florida Horse Show Association.  Last month's show was fantastic and I'm sure this month will be just as good.  For more information, please visit their website:  www.southfloridahorseshow.c...

Monday, February 24, 2014

If the shoe fits…..

These fantastic boots could be yours!  Displayed here are a pair of Sergio Grasso, yes you heard correctly-Sergio Grasso Field boots in size 9.  They are in excellent condition.  Brand new these boots cost between $900-1000.  I'm asking $500 for them.  Please email: if you are intereste...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Reality Check…..

The Real Cost of Horse Ownership As most of us horse owners know, the outside world views the notion of owning a horse a very romantic one.  They don't account for the care, feeding and maintenance of not only the animal itself, but if you are a barn owner that also needs to be taken into consideration.  If you board your horse, there are also costs for this.  Here is a great article breaking it down bit by bit....

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Schleese Saddlery is in town

I know that I cannot afford one of their stellar saddles, but knowing more about proper saddle fitting is key, so why not take advantage of the fact that Jochen Schleese, German Master Saddler is in town and will be holding a saddle fitting lecture tomorrow night (02/20/14) beginning at 6 PM at 21605 SW 152 Ave in Miami, FL?  The cost for the lecture is $10.  To familiarize yourself with their service, please visit:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

American Invitational comes to town

How exciting to have an event like this happening in our own backyard on Friday, April 4 and Saturday, April 5th!  Some of the best show jumpers in the world will be competing during this event at Sun Life Stadium.  For ticket information, please contact www.stadiumjumping.c...

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Benefit Show

On Saturday March 8th Plantation Equestrian Foundation will hold a benefit show and dinner to benefit  the South Florida SPCA.  The show will feature all types of classes in both English and Western, in addition to Paso Fino.  It looks like it's going to be a great show and it is for a great cause, so if you don't want to compete, still come out to watch and buy a dinner ticket!  For more information, please contact Event Coordinator...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Please visit our website!

Don't forget that South Florida Horse Connection also has a website:  The website will help keep you informed of any events that may be coming up.  Currently we are working on several things for the very near future.  We also have a classified ads section.  Today we listed our first classified ad!  If you have something you would like to sell or are looking for something, please...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The beginning stages of stardom!

Shortly after Eros (then known as Quest) came into the SFSPCA, this interview was conducted with the Director of Operations Laurie Waggoner.  She used him during her speech.  As you can see, he was very young, inquisitive, and kind of trying to hog the spot light away from Laur...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Before And After….

Here are the before and after pictures of my rescue horse Eros.  The first photo is shortly after he was brought into the SFSPCA at about six months of age.  He was not skinny, as most horses are when they come in, but he had been found wandering the streets.  He had a belly full of worms and a cut on his left hind.  The second photo is of his first horse show just a week ago.  What a transformation!  Please remember...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Who Reins Supreme?

Equestrians Raise Money for Other Equestrians in Need at EAF Who Reins Supreme Although this event took place this past week, it was for such a great cause. is a wonderful non-profit organization that raising money for sick and injured riders.  This event brought many spectators and raised some much needed fund...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This is all fine and well, but….

Florida’s Equine Industry Valued at $900 Million in Annual Economic Impact | Paulick Report – Thoroughbred Horse Racing News I get that this industry brings in a lot of revenue into the state, but they really aren't focusing on how they can properly allocate some of the funds either.  Because of over-breeding and because there are horses that do not pan out to race, many of these horses either end up dumped in empty fields of South Dade County...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Great Show Experience

Here is a photo of Eros after his last class at this weekend's relaxing in his stall having a snack and showing off his ribbons!  He was a rockstar for a green horse and had an excellent show experience.  Thanks need to be given to his trainer Julie Grennan for her time and effort that she has put into this horse as she was a rockstar in the arena with him!  From the moment I set eyes on this...