The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Two great events this weekend in S FL!

What a wonderful weekend coming up in beautiful S FL!  With the horse show canceled this Saturday, no one will have an excuse not to attend the South Florida Trail Riders Autism Ride.  The ride will begin out of Woodrose Ranch, which is located at 14501 SW 224 ST.  Registration begins at 9 AM and the proceeds will go the Villa Lyan Equine Therapy Program.  On Sunday, April 6th you can attend the open house at the South Florida...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pink becomes advocate against the carriage industry in NYC!!

Bret Hartman/CBSPink, an animal rights activist who is a long-time supporter of the movement to get horse-drawn carriages removed from the streets of New York City, has thrown her support behind a plan by the city’s new mayor to do just that. She’s even willing to adopt one of the horses if it ends up losing its job. In a letter posted on PETA’s website, Pink praises New York mayor Bill de Blasio for his plan to phase out “inhumane”...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Some Great Resources...

10 Equine Nutrition Resources on As we well enough know, proper equine nutrition is key.  This is a topic that definitely tops the list of what people want to learn more about  Here are some great resources from

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Summer is almost here…for us in S FL anyway

Summer will be here before we know it and do you have plans for your son or daughter during their long summer months?  Well, good new as Sir Walsh Horsemanship will be having their summer program again this year beginning Monday, June 16th!  The horsemanship program will be held at Top Notch Stables located at 24100 SW 122 Ave and be instructed by Lynn Zuccaro.  The price for the program is $250 a week and it will run until August...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Gala to attend

The Bank United Center located on the University of Miami Campus in Coral Gables presents the "Gala of the Royal Horses on Sunday, April 27th @ 3 PM.  This historic show will feature such great breeds at the Andalusian, Friesian and Arabian.  Tickets start at $29.  For more information, or to order your tickets, please visit

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A ride for a good cause

If you can make this event, please go as it is for a great cause.  Villa Lyan has a wonderful equine therapy program and this ride benefits them.  For more information please contact 305-479-66...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Barn Yard Sale

Do you like to buy used tack and riding apparel?  Do you like garage sales?  Well, then mark your calendar for Saturday, March 29 at Gingerbread Acres in Southwest Ranches.  South Florida Horse Connection will be there will some great equestrian goodies and Killer Kupcakes FTL will be there will some tasty treats.  Come by and check out our tents and all of the other vendors at this event!  For more information, or to...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Those darn parasites!

Pasture Management for Parasite Control This article may be long, but it's packed full of great information.  Every part of the country has its issues when it comes to this problem.  Down here in S FL, there are not that many facilities that have great pasture areas, plus many of them only turn out for short periods of time.  There usually aren't alternate paddocks to be able to rotate, so it makes it even more difficult.  What...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

More Goodies to be accepted!

In addition to accepting both English and Western tack on consignment, we will also be accepting other goodies as well.  There will be riding apparel for both children and adults including boots and helmets.  We will also have a section dedicated to household/barn items.  You may also find as you are going through your horse "stuff" that you may have items that wouldn't really be up to par for resale, but would be great for donating...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Looking for good, used tack

Do you happen to have some gently used tack in your home/barn that you haven't used for a while and might just be taking up extra valuable space?  Have you tried selling it on either Craigslist/Ebay without any success?  Would you like to try consignment to try to sell your goods?  If so, we are going to be looking to add to our inventory as our equine consignment will soon be open for business.  We will accept tack from all...

Monday, March 3, 2014

War Horse is coming to Miami...

Beginning tomorrow, March 4th through Sunday, March 9th you can go see War Horse at the Adrienne Arsht Center in Miami, FL.  I saw the movie and it was fantastic, but the play is unbelievable.  The way the movements of the horse is captured is like no other.  Tickets are on sale now, so go to to reserve yours toda...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

New Venture Coming Soon….

South Florida Horse Connection is proud to announce that we will be opening a equestrian consignment shop in the very near future!  We are excited to bring this type of service to our equestrian community here in the S Florida area.  Keep posted as updated news will be happening very rapidl...