The South Florida Blog for all Horse Related News

South Florida's Connection to the Horse Community.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Out with the old and in with the new…here we come 2014!  What a special year 2014 should be especially since it is marked as The Year Of The Horse! South Florida Horse Connection wishes everyone a safe and prosperous New Year and many blessings to you and your four legged frien...

Monday, December 30, 2013

A Clinic for a great cause….

Here is a great fundraiser for the rescue horses of the SFSPCA coming up on Saturday, February 22-Sunday, February 23, 2014.  It will be held at the rescue ranch's new location (only individuals that will be attending will be given the address).  This will be an opportunity for 10 participants ($375) to have hands on with the guest clinician Sonny Garguilo in order to become more comfortable working...

Friday, December 27, 2013

January Horse Show

South Florida Horse Show Association is hosting a January Horse Show on Saturday, January 4, 2014.  It is being held at the Tropical Park Equestrian Center.  The new show arenas look amazing and they have added new shows to their line-up!  Come support all of our local riders!  For more information, please visit their website:  www.southfloridahorseshow.c...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A clinic to benefit the rescue horses of S FL

I cannot say that I am personally familiar with this trainer/clinician, but I am hoping that he can help the rescue horses at the South Florida SPCA.  If you cannot afford to do the clinic, please think about auditing as all of the proceeds with benefit the SFSPCA!  The flyer does not include how to prepay, or have any phone number to call if you have any questions, but I will see if I can get that information and post it at a later...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A little creativity!

I had a little fun making sugar cookies this year after I found a cut out that I had forgotten about - a horse head!  It would have been so much cuter if I had some extra decorations to complete a mane on each of th...

Friday, December 20, 2013

A cool decorating idea!

Wouldn't this decoration look amazing in your yard or at your barn for Christmas?  I absolutely love it, but cannot find it any where as it shows sold out.  It's no wonder though because it is so uniq...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Birthday to me….

This is my boy Eros wishing me a Happy Birthda...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Another feel good story

Blind kids read in Braille to rescue horses This is the rescue that my horse Eros came from.  What a great opportunity for these children to experience the wonderful world of the horse, but through these special rescues!  If you would like to donate to the South Florida SPCA, please visit their website:  www.spca-sofla.o...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas caroling on horseback!

Horses and Singing Bring Joy to Saratoga Hospital Patients – Saratoga Wire | All About Horses What a beautiful thing to do to bring joy to others during the holiday seaso...

Monday, December 16, 2013

This could be a great stocking stuffer!

I don't know about you, but since the time change I seem to be fumbling with getting my horse's feet done in some pretty poor lighting.  I found this nifty little item on to assist with this very problem I seem to be having.  They are on sale and I think that I may just get one for myself.  The $14.99 price tag is a little steep for a hoof pick, but if it helps alleviate my issue then its well worth...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Love Consignment? So do we!

Being that it is the holiday season and many of us are out buying Christmas gifts or other holiday items, trying to fit in enough money for show season items can be tough.  Miami has not had an English Riding consignment store ever, until an out of state woman by the name of Barbara came to town with a garage full of first class merchandise.  Barbara is the owner of Double Love Rider Consignment.  She is located in S Miami near...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hot new item!

South Florida Horse Connection is proud to present it's latest item up for sale: South Florida Horse Connection bumper sticker!  If you are a fan of ours, or would like to share what we are all about with others that may not know, please go to our website to place your order today. You will find them listed on the What's Happening tab. The stickers are only $1.00 with .50 for shipping and handling...

Monday, December 9, 2013

And the shows begin….

It's that time of year again for Wellington to start gearing up for their up-coming show season and this weekend December 14-15th is just one of many.  The Jim Brandon Equestrian Center will play host to the Wellington Classic Holiday Challenge for Dressage.  If you would like more information concerning this event, please call 561-227-157...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Tremendous Success!

For all of those who were in attendance at last night's Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid - Thank You for making the evening such a tremendous success!  There was a fantastic turnout.  Dr. Franklin's presentation was on point and he even got to do a live demo on my horse Eros, who hammed it up after he was bandaged.  Keep posted for the next event and I look forward to bring our horse community back together once again...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Look for the sign!

Tomorrow night this sign for the Little Yellow Barn will guide you into the Symposium.  There will also be a guide with a flashlight to help direct you down our driveway to the parking area for the event. I am very excited to be able to host the Equine Emergency First Aid event featuring Dr. Franklin.  I have been determined to bring the horse community of S FL together under one roof and this is just the beginning!  I look forward...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Many thanks go out to our supporters!

Only a couple of days left before the Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First aid.  I'd like to thank all of our local Feed Stores for donating first aid supplies for our door prize goodie bags.  I would also like to thank Dr. Franklin for donating 95% of the items that went into the Equine Emergency First Aid Kit that will be given out as a Grand Prize to the person with the best question of the evening.  We have a great horse...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Grand Door Prize….

Wouldn't you like to be the lucky person that gets to add this Equine First Aid Kit to your barn?  I know I would, but I'm not eligible!  So put your thinking caps on and try to come up with the best question of the night so this can be yours at the Equine Emergency First Aid Equine Symposium Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM.  Registration will begin at 6 PM, with refreshments to follow.  The presentation will begin promptly...

Monday, December 2, 2013

How would you handle this situation?

Does looking at this picture make you a little squeamish?  Would you rather look away because it makes you feel uncomfortable?  Are you mentally prepared to be able to handle any type of emergency with your horse or any horse at your barn, or would you panic?  Let a professional like Dr. Franklin let you know when and what constitutes a call to your vet and how to properly handle the situation until he/she arrives?  Dr. Franklin...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Got questions? Well, we have just the man for you to answer them!

Have you ever had the dilemma of, "Should I call my vet, or should I just wait and see?"  What are the most common injuries horses sustain that their owners think they can wait it out?  Would you like the answers to these questions and many more?  If so, please join us this Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM at the Little Yellow Barn for our Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid featuring Dr. Franklin.  There will be...

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The countdown begins….

Last minute preparations are under way for our Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid.  I will be meeting with Dr. Franklin tomorrow to go over details on his presentation to all attendees and then we should be ready to go!  Don't forget you can still purchase your tickets early on our website: for $15 a savings of $5 off the price you will pay at the door.  I'm looking forward...

Friday, November 29, 2013

One week from today!

One week from today the S FL area will get to experience an event like no other:  South Florida Horse Connection is proud to present and Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid featuring Dr. Franklin on Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM.  The event is being held at the Little Yellow Barn located at 22200 SW 152 Ave in Miami, FL.  Tickets are on sale now for a price of $15 at or...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Got a klutzy horse?

Do you do everything you can to prevent your horse from getting hurt, but he/she still finds something to get into?  Are you prepared for an Equine Emergency at your barn?  Come find out from Dr. Franklin on Friday, December 6 from 7-9 PM at our Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid.  This event is being held at the Little Yellow Barn located at 22200 SW 152 Ave in Miami.  Tickets are on sale now online for...

Monday, November 25, 2013

A great weekend of training….

Here is my 4 1/2 year old QHX in training with Julie Grennan, the former owner/operator/trainer out of Coconut Palm Equestrian Center in Homestead. Julie moved to Ocala recently and comes down every other month to help train my youngster!  He is making great progress and for a horse that has a tendency to tie-up has not had any issues now that I have been able to manage his diet and exercise with the help of many professionals.  This...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Two weeks and counting….

I can't believe we are at the two week mark until our event!  You don't want to miss out on this Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid featuring guest speaker Dr. Franklin on Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM.  It is being held at the Little Yellow Barn located at 22200 SW 152 Ave in Miami.  Tickets are on sale now for a price of $15 on our website: or on the day of the event...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A local equestrian consignment contact!

I met this wonderful woman yesterday by the name of Barbara, who just moved here from Texas. She has a garage full of English clothing and tack on consignment.  Because she is new into the area, I'm trying to help her network throughout our local community and spread the word that she is here.  If you are looking for some good quality things for yourself, or if you have a young one just starting off Barbara is your contact for sure!...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A royal blunder….

It amazes me that such a well educated woman who comes from royalty would make such an utterly uneducated remark in such a public forum.  To believe that if horse owners took better care of their horses so that they could be sold for horse meat in the UK and it would help reduce the problamatic issue of "unwanted" horses is preposturus! It really sums up the differences between the European style of thinking compared to the American style...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanks goes out to our latest sponsor!

Many thanks to our latest sponsor Sunset Feed and Supply for donating some great items for our door prizes at our Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid.  There is much in store for all attendees from a presentation from one of the top Vets in the state Dr. Franklin, to great door prizes and snacks and refreshments.  Please join us on Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM.  The date is fast approaching and you don't want to miss...

Friday, November 15, 2013

Not the kind of news anyone wants to wake up to….

39 horses escape area farm; 6 die in crashes Such sad news so early on a Friday morning.  Of course its not news you want to hear any time either.  I'm curious to see what the investigation is going to find.  Was this a show barn with that many horses, or something else?  This is an excellent example of why you need to check your fence...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dressage Show in Wellington

Wellington Classic Dressage presents the Gold Coast Fall Fling this weekend November 16-17th at the Jim Brandon Equestrian Center.  The Center is located at 7500 Forest Hill Blvd. in WPB, FL.  For more information about this event, please visit their website:  www.wellingtonclassicdressage.c...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An open forum...

It seems as though every time we talk to our vet it is because we have called him/her for an issue with our horse or it's vaccination time.  Some of us have great relationships with our vet, but some are hesitant to ask a question that doesn't pertain what the vet actually came out for.  So, here is your chance to do just that!  Dr. Franklin, DVM will be available for your questions in a completely open forum at our Equine Symposium...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Get your tickets early!

South Florida Horse Connection is hosting it's first Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid on Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM.  This will be an open format where participants will be able to listen to the presentation that Veterinarian Dr. Franklin, DVM will give and then there will be a question and answer segment afterwards.  Refreshments and snacks will be provided and you will have the opportunity to win some first aid...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Today we give thanks….

Although today is a national day of remembrance, we should take time out of each and every day to thank the men, women and service animals that have fought so valiantly for our freedom.  I am grateful to my late foster grandfather who served in both world wars, my own father who served in Korea and to my late father-in-law who also served in Korea.  They are and were a one of a kind generation, who worked so hard and never complained....

Friday, November 8, 2013

Oh do we have some great giveaways for the Symposium!

South Florida Horse Connection would like to thank Silver Palm Feed Store in Homestead for their generous donation of some giveaway goodies for the upcoming Symposium!  We are so excited to be able to bring this event to the South Florida area, as this will be a first of its kind.  To top it all off, our guest speaker is one of the best Veterinarians in the whole state - Dr. Zac Franklin.  Please join us for our first Equine Symposium:...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The November kickoff show is Saturday!

With two new covered arenas and many added classes, this year's Tropical Park Equestrian Center's line-up is going to be fantastic!  If you aren't showing, at least come down and support the riders.  For more information, please contact: www.southfloridahorseshow....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What's in your kit?

Do you have an Equine First Aid kit at your barn?  Or do you just hope and pray that your horse never gets hurt, but if it does the vet is just a phone call away?  Do you run a rescue program that relies on volunteers to take care of your horses?  South Florida Horse Connection is hosting it's first Equine Symposium: Equine Emergency First Aid on Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM at the Little Yellow Barn located at 22200 SW 152...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Equine Symposium receives it's first sponsor!

South Florida Horse Connection is proud to announce that we have our first sponsor for our Equine Symposium Equine Emergency First Aid!  Pinecrest Bakery will be providing some great snacks for us on Friday, December 6th.  The event will take place from 7-9 PM but it is recommended that you arrive at least a half an hour early for registration.  The event will be located at The Little Yellow Barn...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Who's got the goods?

South Florida Horse Connection is looking for new and unused horse items for our upcoming Equine Symposium on Equine Emergency First Aid.  Anyone out there willing to donate goodies that could include but is not limited to such things as buckets, lead lines, first aid equipment would be appreciated.  Even if you have a business that you would like to donate a gift certificate to would be fantastic!  If you would like to contribute,...

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

We here at South Florida Horse Connection wish everyone a Happy Halloween.  Please be safe and keep your pets safe today as wel...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Sunday Horse Show

Parkland Horseman's Association is hosting an Open Horse Show on Sunday, November 3rd beginning at 9:00 AM.  The show will be held at the Parkland Equestrian Center located on Holmberg Road in Parkland, FL.  For more information about this show and the association, please visit their webiste:  www.parklandhorsemans....

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What is your purpose?

Are you a new horse owner?  Are you looking to purchase/rescue your first horse?  Do you just want to learn from one of the top Veterinarian's in the state?  Then you need to sign up for South Florida Horse Connection's first Equine Symposium on Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM.  We are kicking off our inaugural season with Equine Emergency First Aid featuring Dr. Zach Franklin DVM and it will be held at the Little Yellow Barn...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Horses Healing Hearts...

South Florida Horse Connection had a wonderful time yesterday at the Sunshine Meadows Equestrian Village for their flea market.  We met some great new people, handed out some flyers for our event and even came home with some goodies!  We were introduced to a new non-profit that should be highlighted here today: Horses Healing Hearts.  They are using horses to help children effected by households dealing with addiction/alcohol abuse...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Don't forget this Sunday, October 27th...

Looking for something to do this Sunday?  Want to get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having?  Maybe you want to find a good deal on a saddle or polo wraps...well, here is your chance by attending the Equestrian Flea Market at Sunshine Meadows Equestrian Village from 10-3 PM.  For more information, please visit their website:  www.sunshinemeadows441.c...

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our website is up and running!

What's new you ask?  South Florida Horse Connection is proud to announce that our website in now up and running!  Please visit us at:  The Equine Symposium Equine Emergency First Aid is Friday, December 6th from 7-9 PM.  You can now pre-pay for this event on our website.  First click the "What's Happening" button.  Select the "Educational" option and then you will have the...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Our Honorary Speaker: Dr. Zachary Franklin DVM

For those of you who are not familiar with the good Doc, let me fill you in on a little info about him.  He graduated from Ohio State University with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine in 1984.  He began his work as a Vet Tech at the University of Florida Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital in Gainesville, FL.  He then went on to become an Associate Vet in Ohio for a year and then came to the Miami area in 1985 to become an Associate...

Friday, October 18, 2013

And the excitement builds....

I am so excited for this Equine Symposium:  Equine Emergency First Aid to be held Friday, December 6, 2013 from 7-9 PM at the Little Yellow Barn located at 22200 SW 152 Ave in the Redlands.  Everyone has the opportunity to learn this valuable information from such a well known and respected Vet such as Dr Zach Franklin, in addition to being able to ask a question of him during the Q&A portion of the symposium.  You all have plenty...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Equine Symposium continued...

This Equine Symposium will be like no other the S FL area has experienced.  Not only does it feature well-known and respected Vet Dr. Zach Franklin leading the discussion on Equine Emergency First Aid, it will also follow with a Q & A session with him following the presentation!  We are working very hard to get our website up and running so that we can include a pay now option for attendees to prepay for the event.  So mark...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

South Florida Horse Connection is proud to present....

South Florida Horse Connection is proud to present our first Equine Symposium:  Equine Emergency First Aid featuring noted local Veterinarian Dr. Zach Franklin DVM.  This event will be held on Friday, December 6, 2013 from 7:00-9:00 PM at the Little Yellow Barn located at 22200 SW 152 Ave in the Redlands, FL.  You will be able to prepay for this event for $15 or pay at the door the evening of the event for $20.  A flyer is being...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

An Autumn Challenge!

Here is a great way to spend a fall weekend in S FL!  October 26 & 27th Jim Brandon Equestrian Center will be hosting the Wellington Classic Autumn Challenge for Dressage riders.  The posted flyer has all of the contact informatio...